
on Exodus (1977)

Uploaded by Keith Poulin

Tempo: 124 (bpm)

Note: Raggae should use closed chord shapes so that they can be play staccato and quickly choked off.

Raggae Chord Shapes:

  E- A- D- G- B- E
Bm7:  X- X- 7- 7- 7- 7
E9:  X- X- 6- 7- 7- 7
G:  X- X- 5- 4- 3- 3
F#m7:  X- X- 2- 2- 2- 2
Em7:  X- 7- 9- 7- 8- 7
G:  X- 10- 12- 12- 12- X
F#m7:  X- 9- 11- 9- 10- 11

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